
Anshika Gupta



             Hi, I âm Anshika, a Software Engineer by profession and a Social Media Marketer from the heart. I started my Software Engineering journey 1 year ago when I joined Amazon. And the journey till now has been really awesome. Oh, did I say I'm also a State-level Athletic player with 100m Race & Shot Put as my favorite sport? I started Youtube Channel to help the student community by sharing my knowledge regarding Job Preparation, Personal growth & other aspects of College Life. Social Media is much more than numbers, and I really love playing with algorithms, creating value-adding content & designing proper platform & niche-based strategies. How can I help you? For College Students You can follow me on LinkedIn or other Social Media Platforms for diversified content aiming at increasing knowledge & awareness. Can be fun sometimes, If I am able to crack good joke through my storytelling :P Brands/ Influencers, I can help you create awesome content and grow organically through marketing strategy and planning over social media. Drop a text or feel free to connect at Would be happy to respond!